Victorious Christian Life Academy

Aloha and welcome to the Victorious Christian Life Academy Home Page. These courses are designed to teach or reconfirm your knowledge of how to have a Victorious Christian Life. All these courses are Bible-based and inspired by the Holy Spirit. These courses are designed to further your journey as a disciple of Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us to study so we can be good Christians. 2 Timothy 2:15 “Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” The Bible also tells us to make disciples, Matthew 28:19 “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,”

   The Victorious Christian Life Academy staff knows how vital Biblical studies are and wants to help you become a victorious disciple of Jesus Christ. Our policy is that all students will pass. Not by changing your low grade to a higher grade but by helping the student until they earn a passing grade. This is the real meaning of no student left behind.


Step 1 - Fill out the form below. If the form is not visible, click this link.

After filling out the registration form, wait for an email from the Victorious Christian Life Academy administration.

You will be assigned an Academy email address to be used for all Academy courses.

You will be given a temporary password (You may change this to your own after registration).

Step 2 -  Change your browser acount to your new email address. 

If you are using Google Chrome you need to press the colored circle with a letter or picture in it. 

Then add your new email address with the temporary password. 

You can then change your password by following the Google instructions.

Also please acknowledge receipt of this email by completing step 3.

Step 3 - Request the course you want to attend using your new email address

When you are ready, repeat this step as needed to go to the next course series. 

Available courses: 

Basic Christianity Courses 

Six courses

The need to know now that you are a Christian

Starfleet Christian Discipleship Training  

Seven module course

Detailed training in the Biblical doctrines and beliefs of a Christian

    Spiritual Gifts Training (Coming soon)

All about Spiritual Gifts. 

1 Corinthians 12:1 Now about the gifts of the Spirit, brothers and sisters, I do not want you to be uninformed.

Step 4Go to Google Classroom (download it if you do not yet have it). The course you signed up for should be listed. Press the course button.

If you have technical questions email 

For all other questions ask your instructor.  

Lead instructor Dr. Gene Behl